FAU is a union/clan on the minecraft server, Flocraft. (For info, please see Flocraft.site )
FAU consists of some of the best MC players to ever play. Such as, ultimatefox, who can complete massive tasks in short amounts of time, and can build any farm, lyrical, who is a freind of all, able to negotiate trades with other unions at ridiculous prices, BeeHugg, who is a well situated member in the FLO community, who helps us stay oriented with the community, SamuraiX, who
Was the first guest to the FAU clan base, so he has a special rank in the union, and me. PremiumAxolotl. Just some random person who made this clan. I can't really do anything to special, but I do consider myself to be an absolute pro at Redstone. I also play 2b2t, and am a pretty well known person, who developed a few exploits on that server.